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Love vs Infatuation: Important Signs and Differences 

May 05, 2023 | 3 mins read

The beginning of a romantic relationship can be exhilarating and intense. It's common to feel a rush of emotions and a strong desire to be with your new partner as much as possible.

However, it's important to understand the difference between love and infatuation, as they are not the same thing. In this article, we will discuss the signs and differences between love and infatuation, and why it's important to distinguish between the two.

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What is Infatuation?

Infatuation is an intense, but short-lived attraction to someone. It is often based on physical or superficial qualities, such as appearance or charm. Infatuation can lead to obsessive thoughts and behaviors, and can cause you to overlook negative qualities or red flags in your partner. It is often fueled by a rush of hormones and can feel like a "high" or addiction.

Signs of Infatuation
  • You feel intense physical attraction to your partner, but don't know much about their personality or interests.
  • You feel obsessed with your partner and can't stop thinking about them.
  • You overlook negative qualities or red flags in your partner.
  • You feel like your partner is "perfect" or "the one" after a short amount of time.
  • You feel like your happiness is dependent on your partner's presence or attention.
  • You experience extreme jealousy or possessiveness.
  • You have a constant need for reassurance and validation from your partner.
What is Love?

Love is a deep and enduring connection with someone. It is often built on a foundation of shared values, mutual respect, and emotional intimacy. Love involves both passion and commitment, and can withstand the ups and downs of a long-term relationship. It is a more stable and mature emotion than infatuation.

Signs of Infatuation
  • You feel a deep emotional connection to your partner and value their personality and interests.
  • You respect your partner as an individual and value their opinions and beliefs.
  • You communicate openly and honestly with your partner and work through conflicts together.
  • You feel a sense of security and stability in your relationship.
  • You are able to enjoy time apart from your partner without feeling anxious or insecure.
  • You prioritize your partner's well-being and happiness, even if it means sacrificing your own desires.
  • You feel a sense of contentment and fulfillment in your relationship.
Main differences between Love and Infatuation

It can be difficult to discern the difference between love and infatuation, especially when you're in the early stages of a relationship. 

Here are a few key differences between the two:

  • Love is based on mutual respect and understanding, while infatuation is often fueled by physical attraction and passion.
  • Love involves caring for and supporting your partner, while infatuation may involve a desire to possess or control your partner.
  • Love involves compromise and a willingness to work through conflicts and challenges, while infatuation may involve an idealized view of the other person and a lack of willingness to deal with difficult issues.
  • Love is generally a more stable and long-lasting emotion, while infatuation tends to be more fleeting and intense.

One way to determine whether you're in love or just infatuated is to take a step back and assess your feelings. Are you more focused on your partner's physical appearance and the excitement of being in a new relationship, or do you genuinely care about their well-being and happiness? Are you willing to work through conflicts and challenges as a team, or do you tend to shy away from difficult conversations?


Ultimately, the key to distinguishing between love and infatuation is to pay attention to your feelings and behavior, and to be honest with yourself about what you want and need in a relationship. If you're feeling strong, stable emotions and are able to communicate and support your partner, chances are you're in love. If your feelings are more intense and volatile, or if you're not able to be open and honest with your partner, it may be that you're infatuated.